Background and Credentials
John is a graduate of Marietta College (BS) and Ohio University (MS). His studies were interrupted for a stint in Vietnam (Army First Air Cavalry, Purple Heart and Silver Star). Twenty years in Dow Plastics provided extensive experience in polymer synthesis, development, production, and processing. John has been a seminar leader with RJG Associates, Plastics Technology, University of Wisconsin, General Polymers, PolyOne, Glenn Beall, and John Klees. Competent in resin characterization and analysis, his specialty is practical, hands-on injection molding training in plastics, rubber, LIM/LSR, metals, wax, ceramics, medical, and use of Infrared Thermography.
National recognition has come through ten patents, over 200 papers and industry articles covering plastics and processing. He has over 30 years on the seminar circuit and has several feature articles such as the "Productivity Challenge" and "Scientific Molding." In 2005, he was named as processor of the year by Modern Plastics. Many of these articles/papers can be found by on Plastics Technology website. Search by topic or his name.
John teaches Scientific Molding (SIM) technology from the plastics point of view with a passion that provides a "Significant Emotional Experience." He presents practical techniques that improve your profits while elevating your production to international standards. Let's keep plastic piece-part manufacturing strong. Manufacturing is critical to a nation's economy. On-site seminars are a specialty, electric or hydraulic machines.
He is the originator of "Scientific Molding."